Family Matters

Hello! I am going to be talking about my family for this blog!

    As you know, I have a small family consisting of my mother, Shanda, my step-dad, Jerome, my younger sister, Emma, and my younger brother, Landon. My family is considered to be blended since I have a step-father and step-mother on my other side. 

    My mother and my father had me when they were really young. They never got married or anything, but they were mostly together when I was a baby. When they split for good, I was really young still. Even though they were split, I still was able to visit my dad very often. I would see him almost every weekend, actually. Once 2009 came around, my mother and step-father got married. They have been together ever since and have been my main care providers. 

    Before my mother was with my step-father, she had another child, my younger brother, Landon. My younger brother was born on October 27, 2005. He then passed away on March 22, 2006, from RSV. I was two years old when he was born and three when he passed. I do not remember anything from around that time, but I still miss him all of the time. 

    My mother and step-father had my younger sister, Emma, on July 27, 2014. She is now seven years old. Since then, we have all been together living in Van Wert, Ohio. I just recently moved out in May 2021 to live with my boyfriend, Addisun. 

    My family is not perfect, we have our issues, but we are very close. I love my family very much and wish I could be with them more often. I will talk more about them in my future blogs, for sure. 

The picture above is of my mother, step-father, and me at my graduation. 

The picture to the right is of my dad and me at my graduation. 

The picture above is of my little sister, Emma, and me in Tennessee. 

The picture to the right is of my mother, step-father, sister, and me and my grandmother's house. 

The picture above is of my little brother, Landon. It is one of the only pictures we have of him. 

The picture to the right is of my dad holding me when I was a baby. 

Do you have a blended family or something similar? 


  1. I want to start by complimenting you on how genuine your blogs are for this class! Some students may try to just "get by" with these blog assignments, but I can see how much though you put into these posts. A fun fact about my family is that I have a twin brother! He is my absolute best friend. I will be writing about him in my future posts so make sure to take a look at those this semester.

  2. Hi Madison! I really enjoyed your blog and getting to learn more about you and your family. Similar to yours, my family and I are really close too. I don't have a younger sister but I do have an older brother who is like a best friend to me! I'll probably talk about my family in the future like you did, thanks for the idea :)


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