Paranormal Past

Whether or not you believe in the paranormal is up to you, but I have had a few experiences that might interest you. There are many ways to have a paranormal experience; hearing something, feeling a presence, seeing an apparition. I have had bits and pieces of all of them. 

The first experience that I had was when I was really young, about 4 or 5. I was sitting with my grandma in her living room, playing with play-doh. I paused for a moment, looked over toward a door that leads to her garage. I asked my grandma who was at the door, she looks at the door and looks back at me. She says, "There's no one there..". I look away from the door to look at her and when I look back, the person is gone. She was the only one in the house with me. The person I saw, from what I remember was a tall man with a black tophat on. He was wearing a black and white suit, but oddly I do not remember the figure having a face. I never saw that man again. I do not know who he was, why he was there, or why I was the only one who could see him. 

Have you ever heard something that no one else heard? Have you ever heard someone talk to you who wasn't there? I have. It is not the most pleasant feeling in the world. I was staying at my cousin's house for the weekend a long time ago, her house is known to be haunted. We were playing some sort of game, but she had to go to the restroom. So, I stayed in the room we were in while she left. While she was gone, the room was dead silent, no one else was in the house. Out of nowhere in my right ear, I believe, I heard someone say, "hey" really loud. It was so close to my face that I could hear it crystal clear. I freaked out, ran out of the room, and told my cousin. I never heard anything like that again. 

As for one last story, one time I was at a friend's house and was walking around the house. It was broad daylight, everyone was outside except my friend and me. I was walking from the kitchen to the living room, where she was. I pass by their long hallway, out of nowhere, her bedroom door slams shut. We both jump and freak out. I went back to see if someone could have slammed it or if a window was open. There was nothing. No chance of wind or another person being inside. It slammed on its own. From then on, we did not feel like we were alone in that house. 

I have had more experiences than just these, but these are my most intriguing ones. Have you had any paranormal experiences? Anything out of the ordinary? Do you believe in spirits? 


  1. I have to admit when I saw the title of this blog I was taken a little off-guard. Although to answer your question, I do believe in paranormal activity. In my childhood home, I was convinced that there was a ghost in my bedroom closet. I cannot remember ever seeing it, but I could always feel it there. When I got older, my younger brother moved into that same room. One day he told us he saw a ghost, and while everyone thought he was nuts, I knew he was right. He was only four years old when he told us about the ghost. I am lucky to only have felt its presence because I have no clue how I would react if I actually saw it.

  2. I have also had many paranormal experiences in my life! The first one happened to me when I was 5! Kids are so sensitive!! The most recent one was in my house here off campus last semester. Luckily I know how to handle unwanted entities so we were able to kick it out with little resistance! It's been so crazy to grow up with this knowledge. Glad to know I am not alone!

  3. Many people don't believe in paranormal activity, and when I tell others I do I get a strange look, Its nice to see I'm not the only one! While I haven't had as nearly as crazy experiences as you have, I've had tiny moments here and there that lead me to my own belief of the paranormal.


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