Getting Ready For Finals

The semester is winding down and we only have about two weeks left before finals. I have been getting through all of my classes with a bit of struggle this semester. I find myself with decently high grades so far. I hope to pass all of my final exams and get good grades on my final papers. 

Finals week for me is a very stressful time filled with studying. Throughout the semester, I tend to get all of my big projects done weeks in advance so I am left with free time to put towards my final exams at the end. This has been a great strategy for me in the past couple of months. My friends are complaining about all the assignments they have to do before finals and all of mine are done already. It takes a weight off of my chest. 

As of now, I have a speech and three final exams left with a few small assignments along the way. My path for finals is clear and I do not have to stress much during the next few weeks. Some of my classes are not even having a final, like this one. I am so grateful for those classes. It is so relieving to only have a couple to take rather than all of them. 

My finals end on Thursday, May 12th, so I should be out of here before Friday night. I cannot wait to be back at home for a month. Then I get to go to Japan for my study abroad trip for three weeks. I am beyond excited about it. Then I turn around and go to Tennessee with my family. This summer will be great and I cannot wait for it to get started. Only 3-4 more weeks and I am free. 

Are you excited for finals to be over? Are you stressed about them? 


  1. I am in the same boat as you regarding finals week. My days consist of 2 workouts, 3 classes, homework, clubs, and whatever else pops up. Throughout all this chaos, somehow I have been going to bed the earliest I have all year long. I made sure to work on my projects ahead of time to avoid extra stress. I have an exam this week, next week, and three during finals week. Surprisingly, I am off campus Tuesday night, but I have a feeling that I will miss my friends and teammates by Wednesday. I am excited for classes to be done, but I don't want to leave the incredible people here.

  2. I am also in the same boat as you regarding finals this week. My next week is just full of research papers, blogs, a few tests, and then my 1 and only final for Ethical Leadership. Also I am extremely jealous that you get to leave early because I will have to stay for lacrosse if we end up going far in the playoffs.


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