Social Media Campaigns

In Chapter 13 of the textbook, we learn about social media campaigns. Integrated marketing communication consists of promotional tools being integrated around an idea or campaign. This allows for increasing brand awareness, getting people to respond to calls to action or even just catching their interest. Social media campaigns are usually meant to persuade followers to do something and they usually have a designated time frame. To keep followers coming back to purchase more products, businesses use social media-only campaigns. 

Businesses tend to use the AIDA model, which refers to attention, interest, desire and action. They will grab the peoples' attention, build their interest, create the desire and persuade them to take action. This model has been seen to do the best for businesses when using a campaign and is recommended for future ones. 

The steps to creating a campaign are fairly simple to understand. Before creating it, you want to establish goals, find a campaign theme, identify the target audience and budget, choose incentives, select networks and choose a timeline. During the campaign, you want to promote it, monitor it and engage with the audience. After it is over, announce the winners, review the results, follow up with the audience and analyze everything. 

Some of the success stories from campaigns include Starbucks, Adobe Stock, Air Asia, Sparkling Ice, Oreo and Disney. 

I never knew about campaigns and what they do for businesses or consumers. They seem to be very important to social media marketing, though. Have you heard about them? Are any of the success stories familiar to you? 


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