Getting to Know Me!

Hello! Welcome to my first blog!

My name is Madison Bremer, but I go by Maddy. My blogs will be about my life and recaps of my social media class this semester. 

First, let me tell you a little about myself.

I am a current Freshman Psychology major at Ohio Northern University. I grew up in many different towns including Lima, Delphos, Elida, Shawnee, and Gomer. All of these little towns are near each other in Ohio, not too far from Ada. I am 18 years old but will be turning 19 in a few days; my birthday is January 27, 2003. I stay on campus here at Ohio Northern but live in Wapakoneta, Ohio with my boyfriend. My family consists of my beautiful mother, Shanda, my step-father, Jerome, and my little sister, Emma. I also have a little brother, Landon, but he passed away when I was young. I have a few pets that I will most likely be talking about a lot in my blogs; my cat, Binx, and my dog, Cosmo. 

I chose to come to Ohio Northern University for many reasons. I love the atmosphere and the student-professor interaction that many other colleges do not have. I had received a very helpful scholarship and financial help that made my decision on this college a lot easier. So far, I love ONU and will be spending the next three years on this campus. 

Some of my hobbies and interests are art, music, psychology, being with friends and family, the paranormal, and animals. When I was in high school I would find myself drawing and painting all of the time. I thought I was pretty decent at it, too. It was one of my favorite things to do. Now, I rarely have time to do anything creative, which is why I hope to take a few art courses here at ONU in the next three years. I also was in band throughout high school. I played the clarinet for the marching band and concert band. In my freshman year of high school I was in color guard, even was labeled the most outstanding guardsmen of the group. Outside of school, I learned to play a bit of the piano and ukelele. As for psychology, I found myself interested in it after a class I took my junior year of high school. I was fascinated with the abnormal side of psychology and decided that I wanted to become a psychologist or therapist for teenagers. Now, here I am working towards that goal. 

This is a picture of me, my mom, my stepdad, and my sister.
I love being with my friends and family whenever I have the time. I have made two friends since being at Ohio Northern, which may not be a lot, but they are all I need. I have a hard time making new friends and talking to people in general, so I am glad to have them. We all hang out together almost every day of the week during the school year. As for my family, I try to see them every weekend to every other weekend. I love being with my family and wish I had more time with them on a regular basis. 

As for my interest in animals, I have always been obsessed with going to zoos and aquariums, basically anywhere I can see an animal, I want to go. My family would take me to the zoo at least once a year throughout my childhood because I loved it so much. I have had too many pets growing up to count. My spirit animal is also my favorite animal, an arctic fox. I even have a tattoo of one! Speaking of tattoos, I currently have three tattoos and eight piercings, but I will talk more about that later. With my interest in the paranormal, I will share some of my experiences and beliefs about that in its own blog as well. 

I hope this gave you an idea of who I am!

Thank you for reading! More blogs to come!


  1. I can't believe you moved to so many places in Ohio! I would not be able to move around that much it would give me a headache. I love how you mention your pets. I also have a dog, named Koby and I love him very much! But, I do find paranormal activity interesting but it does freak me out a bit. Also, I love being around my family and friends too! I miss not hanging around with my family as much but I have to say it is pretty nice being able to be independent. Can't wait to read more of your blogs!

  2. I am so happy that you decided to come to ONU! This school is full of so many incredible opportunities and you are so full of passion in everything you try. Now I am very scared of ghosts or paranormal activity but I did just watch the Haunting of Bly Manor on Netflix. That is about as scary as I will go but I highly suggest watching it! Your first blog post was great and I cannot wait to read more.


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