Market With Facebook

Facebook is the most popular social network in the world, according to chapter 4 of Essentials of Social Media Marketing. It states that 79 percent of 18 to 49-year-olds who are online own Facebook. The United States is second on the Facebook reach rankings as of January 2021. 

Using Facebook as a business tool is easy and creating a Facebook account is free. Facebook recently launched a Facebook Business Suite in 2020. This helps check the analytics of both Facebook and Instagram at the same time. 

It allows for sending invites to others to have them visit your page. This gives a business page more room to build an audience quicker. The posts also allow for multiple types of media, like text, photos, GIFs, videos, links, hashtags, and more. 

There is a rule of thirds that should be followed by businesses on social media. One-third of the content should be promoting the business itself, one-third should be content that is shared from other businesses, and the last one-third should be content of personal interactions with employees and customers. There are a few other tips that can be used on Facebook. To optimize the business, use emojis, run contests, go live, ask questions, provide coupons, and 360 videos. Facebook specifically has a place for businesses to post ads and connect through messenger. 

All of these tips and tricks for optimizing Facebook use for businesses are very intriguing and seem like they would work. What other tips do you think are useful for optimizing business on Facebook?


  1. Facebook has always been a struggle for me because I see it as the "old person's" social media. Quite honestly, I do not understand how Facebook works. Ironically, I used Facebook the most in our simulation. I applaud Facebook for monitoring fake Covid-19 related news. An immense amount of people spend their time on social media. If platforms aren't monitoring false news, a lot of unnecessary chaos and conflict will be created.

  2. I feel like I'm the only person who has a Facebook account which is surprising when reading about how many people actually use the app. Most of my friends don't have the app but the slim few that do, rarely get on the app. I personally use it to look at what my parents are posting but besides that I never really post. I like the app but it is not one of my favorites or most used by any means. I'm shocked it is the most used app in the entire world!


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