Marketing with Twitter

In chapter 6 of Essentials of Social Media Marketing, Twitter is the focus. Twitter is used by mostly younger users from ages 13 to 29. The split between genders that use the app is pretty even with slightly more male users. 

Twitter is used by businesses for many reasons, only a few being keeping up with news and daily events, increasing brand awareness, efficient customer service, and connecting with influencers. Twitter allows for a username, profile picture, bio, cover photo, pinned tweets, and a gallery. A post itself can include text, photos, videos, GIFs, mentions, and hashtags. They can receive comments, likes, and retweets. Twitter even has something called Fleets, which are similar to Snapchat stories; they disappear after so long. 

Unlike other platforms, the better way to get more traffic on posts is to keep them short. Twitter is more for conversations than advertisements. It even has Twitter Chats so that businesses can provide customer service to their followers. This is a very efficient tactic that I did not even know existed. 

Some of the most successful businesses on Twitter are Wendy's and Doritos. This is not surprising to me because I know that Wendy's is a very popular business due to the way they word their posts. They are a very sarcastic brand that succeeds in attracting positive followers. 

Twitter's response to the COVID-19 virus is similar to other platforms. They made information about the virus available through accurate sources and kept their app running. 

Twitter is not one of the apps I use on a daily basis, but if it is one of yours, what businesses do you follow, and have you ever bought something from the ads you see on Twitter?


  1. I understand why Twitter would create Fleets, but at the same time, I think it was dumb. Social media apps are constantly copying one another. For me, it is beyond annoying. Why can't each platform stick to what they're known for? It makes no sense to me to try to be "creative" when everyone knows where it was copied from. I think this is a huge reason for the lack of success in Fleets.


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