My Bucket List

Once I graduate college, there are plenty of things that I want to do or accomplish. I would love to get my Master's degree in psychology to become a therapist for teenagers. I want to do this in the state of Washington. My boyfriend and I want to move there once I graduate from college. 

There are many places that I want to visit during my lifetime. My top place to visit is Japan, but I am going there this summer for a study abroad program. I also want to make it to London, England, and Paris, France at some point. There are a few places in the United States that I want to visit, as well. One of those places is the Smithsonian Museum. I also want to go to Universal to go to the Harry Potter portion.  

I am not wanting to do the more common things like skydiving or scuba-diving. Those are too anxiety-provoking to me. 

Meeting some of my favorite celebrities would be up high on my bucket list. I would love to meet so many people including Eminem, Colby Brock, Corpse Husband, Ryan Renolds, The Rock, the cast of Friends, Logan Lerman, and so much more. 

Going to a tour event from a Youtuber has always been one of my dreams. Preferably, I would want to go to a Sam and Colby tour, Jacksepticeye tour, Shane Dawson tour, or a Markiplier tour. These are very hard to get to, given that they do not go on them a lot and they are really expensive. 

There are some random things that I would like to do in my lifetime, as well. I would love to see the northern lights at least once in my life. I think it would be beneficial to learn a martial art. Going to New York for the New Years' celebration to see the ball drop in person would be a highlight. I want to be comfortable in my own skin and get my mental health in a good place. I want to be financially stable and have my dream house/job/life. 

There are many things that I would love to accomplish in my lifetime, what are some of the things on your bucket list?


  1. Wow! Your bucket list is really cool. I love how the items on your list are really different from each other. Like wanting to visit all of these new countries or meeting famous people, you have a lot of things you want do do which is awesome. I would love to visit Europe someday like you, I just don't know when haha. Definitely would have to be after college.

  2. I actually have a lot of similar items on my bucket list! I want to visit all of the national parks, or at least a new one every once in a while because there are so many! And I definitely don't want to go skydiving or scuba-diving... I hate fish and am not a very good swimmer, and I'm also not very comfortable with the thought of jumping out of an airplane. I also think it would be really cool to see the northern lights. I think it's so cool how many different things to do in the world but sometimes I think it's so hard to choose which ones you want to do!


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