Marketing With LinkedIn

In chapter 9, we cover market strategies within the platform, LinkedIn. LinkedIn is primarily used by men, with a 29% demographic compared to 24% women. The platform is used most by the age group 30-49. This is a more professional platform when compared to others like Facebook and Twitter. It is also the most trusted platform there is when it comes to professional content and reliable content. LinkedIn has a tool for businesses called LinkedIn Sales Navigator. This is meant to help businesses activate their sales team and achieve success on the platform. 

LinkedIn has found that users interact with content most when it is relevant to them, is educational, stays on top of the latest brands, is inspiring, and helps with skill development. 

It has a tool called a Company Page, which is meant to help users learn about a company and interact with them. It is a great tool for building brand awareness, increasing engagement, and attracting their audience. Company pages also have access to analytics such as page traffic, reach, engagement, follower demographics and the number of job applications. 

LinkedIn also has other tools such as Product Page, Showcase Page, Career Page, and My Company. Showcase Pages allow for companies to promote business lines. Product Pages allow for companies to promote products with pictures, descriptions and videos. Career Pages allow for companies to promote job opportunities. The My Company tab allows employees to converse with each other and celebrate accomplishments at work. 

Companies are able to post different types of updates for their pages. They can include things like photos, videos, call-to-action links, text, polls, LinkedIn Stories, LinkedIn Live and other events. The algorithm of the platform takes people you know, things you are interested in and things that you engage with most and makes these the top of your priority list. 

LinkedIn responded to COVID-19 similarly to the other platforms. It added a resource hub and a place for news on the virus. It also made a few free tutorials on how to increase productivity during the pandemic. 

Overall, LinkedIn seems like a reliable, trustworthy platform. It has a more professional approach but still is considered social media. This platform is not one that I use, but it seems like it would benefit me in the future when looking into jobs. Do you use LinkedIn?


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