Marketing with Youtube

Chapter 10 of our textbook is on marketing with Youtube. Youtube has about 2 billion people watching every month and has the highest reach among ad-supporting streaming services in the country. It is primarily used by the male population and ages ranging from 13 to 49 years old. T-Series and Pewdiepie are at the top of the leaderboard among the most popular channels on Youtube. I believe today, they have switched, Pewdiepie being number one now. 

Youtube's algorithm consists of prioritizing videos by relevance, quality, watch time and likes. There are a few ways to optimize videos posted on Youtube. These include using keywords, creating interesting titles and descriptions, allowing for transcripts and closed captions, use tags, thumbnails, cards, end screens and chapters. There are also different types of content that do best, such as how-to videos, comedy skits, interviews and documentaries. Publishing videos on a regular basis and at optimal times also allows for more attention to a video. Some extra tips include using Youtube Live, Youtube Shorts, putting Youtube videos on personal websites, engaging with viewers, creating playlists of videos, using influencers and analytics. 

There are many parts of Youtube that help to market businesses and gain customers. I have never used this platform to find businesses and products. I primarily use this app for entertainment purposes. 

Have you ever bought something after seeing it on Youtube?


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