Spring Break Recap

Over spring break, I had a lot of things to do. I went home on Thursday the 3rd and came back on Monday the 14th. The Monday that I was home for break, I had a doctor's appointment. Then Wednesday I had to go to do my taxes forty-five minutes from home. Thursday I had a dentist appointment that was also forty-five minutes from home. Friday I had a tattoo appointment. Finally, on Saturday I had celebrated my boyfriend's birthday with his family. Sadly, I did not take any pictures over the break. 

Aside from all of these appointments, I had a great time being at home with my boyfriend for a week. I got to see my family as well. There was so much going on that it went so fast. I wish I had more time to relax at home but I had to come back to college. 

While at home, I started a new anime that I really enjoy. It only has one season that I am almost finished with. It is called Tokyo Revengers. If you are someone who is into anime, I recommend watching it. It is kind of confusing but overall has a very good plot. 

Overall I had a great time at home over spring break. How did your break go?


  1. I am so glad that you had a great time over spring break! The time always seems to fly by so fast when I visit home, but it is good to see all the people that I miss. My spring break was pretty good for the first half of the week. I got my wisdom teeth out on Thursday so I have been miserable since. The idea of rest is vague to me. I am normally a very busy person with school, sports and social activities, so laying around with my face throbbing is very boring. I hope you have a great rest of your semester. We are almost done!


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