First Podcast

I did a short podcast on the positive and negative effects of social media on mental health. It is posted on my Podbean website under Social Media VS Mental Health. It is a 5-minute long spiel on how social media can cause different issues such as depression, anxiety and disordered eating. I also talk about how social media is good for mental health given that it provides people with communication with family and friends around the world. There is more to the podcast, just take a listen!

From this podcast, I hope you learn something important about social media and its effects. What topic interests you for creating your own podcast?


  1. In recent years mental health has been more important, but in my opinion, I still think its not talked about enough. Those who don't experience anxiety, depression or PTSD on a daily basis have no clue how those who do have some mental health issues, deal with it on a day to day basis. I honestly believe social media can be a double edged sword, sometimes it can promote positive thoughts and help others, and sometimes it can promote negative thoughts, and could honestly trigger an episode for some people.


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