Marketing with TikTok

Chapter 11 in the textbook talks about how to market with TikTok. TikTok has been rising to become one of the most used social media platforms ever. As of January 2021, there were about 689 million active users every month. This put the app above Snapchat, Twitter and Pinterest. 

A total of 69% of TikTok users are between the ages of 13 and 24. It also has a divide between women and men users with 60% female and 40% male users. The average number of minutes spent on TikTok is about 52. This came as a surprise to me because I use it for hours every day. Which is definitely an issue. 

Elf Cosmetics, Washington Post, and the NBA all have become successful accounts on the TikTok platform. 

Business pages can add their website, information about their business and access analytics on their page. Businesses are able to create their own look, sound, story and details to round out their page. They are also able to add extra details such as doing lives, dueting other videos, stitch videos, add text, voiceovers and stickers. 

The algorithm for TikTok is based on each individual's personal preferences. Using the "For You" page, the videos that are most liked by the individual drive similar content to the "For You" page. This allows the user to view videos that are within their interest. 

TikTok also has ads that are used to promote businesses. These ads are commonly inspirational, making them enjoyable for the viewers. 

Overall, TikTok is becoming one of the most popular apps for consumers. I use TikTok every day, how often do you use it? I also have found myself wanting to purchase from businesses on the app, do you buy anything from TikTok businesses?


  1. I struggle when it comes to using TikTok because I will open the app at 12:00pm and then as I close the app and its 1:30 and next thing I know I'm racing to class. But when it comes to purchasing from TikTok I havent bought anything. However my parens have bought a few things but the one I know for sure was this drink cozy for when they go to the beach.


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