My Final Blog

This semester has been a crazy one. I have kept up with this blog as best I could and I am ready to let it be. I have had a good experience with having my own blog but my life is so busy that I cannot keep it going through summer. My classes this semester have taken me through the mud and I am so glad that it is almost over. This class was not too bad but my other classes had me stressed out all semester. After finals, I will be heading home and trying to have a great summer with my family, friends and trips. There is so much to do this summer and I cannot wait for it. 

I am almost done with my first year of college, that is crazy. I cannot believe I am almost a sophomore at ONU. My first year was a success and I am proud of what I have done so far. I hope that next year is just as successful. I think it will be better next year because I will hopefully have my ESA on campus and I will also be living with one of my friends. My classes are what I am worried about. Some of them seem to be ones that I will have a hard time with. 

I hope all of my classmates have a great finals week and get home safely when moving out. I know my move out will be pretty easy. I have already started getting my stuff home so there should not be too much to take after finals. 

I cannot wait to be home, are you ready to head back home? 


  1. I am beyond excited for finals week to be over, but I am not sure how excited I am to be going home. It will be great to see my family again for sure! On the other hand, I will be working my tail off all summer long. I am working 3 jobs along with basketball training and any other side job I decide to pick up. This sounds crazy, but I did it to myself. Before all that chaos starts, I will be taking a few days to myself. These days will be spent on my new backyard patio and with friends. I hope you have a great summer and fall semester!

  2. I am also excited for finals week to be over, but as Brooke said I don't know how excited I really am. For the last couple of weeks I had prayed that our lacrosse season would end so I could start working hard in the summer. Sadly we lost in the semi finals to John Carol which hurt me a lot more than I thought it would. It was just a really sad moment because I had to look all the seniors in their eyes and watch them cry because they had put everything they had into this team and now they have lost lacrosse forever. With that being said I hope you have a great summer!


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