Takeaway From Textbook

After going through all of the chapters we needed to in the textbook, I learned a lot about social media and the ways to maximize success when using it. The textbook did a great job of organizing the content in an easily comprehensible way. Each chapter had a decent amount of information that was great to know when establishing a business and using social media as an outlet to promote. 

I found that having each chapter be for a different app made the weeks of class very organized. I know that I will never utilize my own business pages on social media unless it is required, so this was not particularly directed at me. I enjoyed learning about all of the content, though. Social media is something that I use on a daily basis, sometimes too much, so this was an opportunity for me to understand more about it. 

Blogging about the chapters has been pretty easy over the weeks and I hope someone reads these and gets good information out of them. I know there will be someone who wants to learn about marketing with social media and my blog is a great place to do so. 

Overall, this was an enjoyable class, the textbook was very organized and the information was very interesting to learn. I hope you enjoyed my blogs over the chapters. 


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