Week Update

This week has been a stressful one so far. I had to schedule classes and housing on Monday. Both of which were not the most successful. I got most of the classes I needed, one I am hopefully going to get an override into. After I got done scheduling for my classes, I had to select my housing a few hours later. This was not a success. I had trouble with the internet and then was not able to select the building my friend and I wanted. We got stuck in Affinity Northeast for next year, but we really wanted Lima Hall. 

After all of that, I spent time at home on Tuesday since it was Honors Day and we were not supposed to have any classes. Then one of my classes decided to meet, so I could not make it to it. This stressed me out even more because I do not like missing class. Then today, I had a quiz in the morning that I had not had time to study for, making it difficult to take. 

Aside from all of that, I did get some good news. I got a job that I have been wanting for a while now. I now have two on-campus jobs that will hopefully help me get some spending cash for my trip and all-around help me live throughout next semester. 

That is how my week is going, how is yours? 


  1. Congratulations on your new job! That is so exciting!! My week has been stressful as well, so you are not alone. I have been putting off doing my schoolwork because I have been so tired lately. I've decided I am going to blame all of the rainy days we have been having for the extra tiredness and lack of motivation. Don't worry too much about the housing situation. I lived in Brookhart last year and my room was so tiny! I have never been in any of the rooms in Affinity, but personally I was not a fan of my room last year.

  2. I feel the same way about scheduling class and housing for next year. The whole process was stupid and I think the school handled it poorly. When it came to scheduling my classes I got early classes which I hate because I am not a morning person and when it came to housing my roommate and I also got stuck in Affinity when we wanted Lima.


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