Weekly Activities

I had a hard time finding something to talk about this week, but I finally decided on a topic. I wanted to talk about what a typical week consists of at college for me. 

I do a few things with my friends throughout the typical week. We tend to go out to eat once a week if we all have enough money. We also recently took up playing pool in the Affinity Commons a lot. We also go to the tennis court as often as we can, given our schedules and the weather allows it. None of us are involved in sports, so we decided to try tennis for fun and it is really great to get out and exercise. 

Every weekday we all get to eat dinner together and usually hang out afterward. We go to one of our rooms to play cards, watch movies, or just chill. It is always a great time and we share a lot of laughs every day. I have grown to spend a lot of time with these two people and I appreciate them very much. 

Besides classes and being with friends, I am usually in my room. I like to take naps and play on my Nintendo Switch when I have free time. It is always a relief to get to take a nap after a long day of classes and no sleep the previous night. 

I go home after classes on Fridays almost every single weekend, besides when I have to work on campus on Saturdays. I prefer to be at home on the weekends to be with my boyfriend and spend time with family on occasion. It calms me and keeps me from going insane. 

Overall, a normal week for me is pretty simple and easy, how about yours? Do you have hectic days or are your weeks typically similar? 


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