Weekly Update

I actually do not have any real updates for this week. I have not done much and cannot think of anything to talk about. I got to spend the weekend at home with my boyfriend and we played Mario party for hours every day. It was a blast. We also ended up watching the entire twilight series in one day, from 6 pm to 4 am. It was great to go back and watch those movies again. 

Today is my mom's birthday, and I do not get to see her, so that makes me sad. I am working on some ideas for some sentimental gifts I can make her, though. I will be making her a handwritten note that I will turn into a sticker for her to put on her work badge. I also want to make her something else, but I have not come up with anything just yet. Hopefully, an idea hits me soon. 

Other than that, I have no new updates to talk about. How has your week been? Any plans for Easter break?


  1. Mario Party is such a fun game! Growing up my family and I would play it weekly and it would always get so competitive but still be a blast. I've never seen Twilight, but from what I have heard, it seems like a good series. I love the Vampire Diaries and if you haven't seen that, I recommened you do! It's so good I've rewatched it so many times. I hope you have a great Easter Break!

  2. My favorite game to play with my brothers on the Wii was Mario Party! We would spend hours competing against each other, especially on a snow day. This weekend I finally get to see my mom's extended family. We had Thanksgiving and Christmas canceled due to some of us having Covid-19. We are going to a Cleveland Monsters game and spending the night at my nana's house. It will be great to be back for a little bit before I am home all summer long!

  3. The only way to rewatch the Twilight movies is marathon style! I wish I could give you an idea for a gift for your mom, but I think I might be the world's worst gift giver... This weekend I'm going to Pennsylvania for a track meet and I think I will be spending Easter with my boyfriend and his family. Maybe somewhere in there I will find some time to catch back up on schoolwork as well!

  4. I just watched all of the Twilight movies in one night for the first time and I have never felt so emotional over a group of fictional characters in my life.


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